Many writers want to have an author’s Facebook page and a Twitter account. Of course, there is also email, Goodreads, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and a website. Plus, you need to work on that next book. Where to find the time?
Social Media for Authors
In previous blog posts on social media, we have shared some practical information about how authors can harness the power of Social Media:
Take the Leap Into Social Media
Facebook 101: Create an Author Presence
The Top 10 Ways Authors Connect to Readers on Facebook
Twitter 101: A Crash Course for Authors
How Do My Readers Find Me on Twitter? Advice for Indie Authors
How authors can use YouTube to connect with their readers
Getting Connected on LinkedIn® Professional Networking Services
An Author’s Profile Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Two Social Media Dashboards
But how do you find the time? One solution is to use free tools that act like a social media dashboard. I have used two: Hootsuite and Tweetdeck. Both allow you to control your Twitter content. This blog is not an evaluation of the two because I like features of each. I began with Tweetdeck and transitioned over to Hootsuite. This post is just to make you aware that such wonderful tools exist that can simplify your life and improve your efficiency resulting in more time to focus on your real job—writing your next book! (more…)