Posts Tagged ‘Holiday stress’

An Interview With Mrs. Saint Nick about New Christmas Book!

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

msn2We are delighted to interview Mrs. Saint Nick as the holiday season approaches. She has some great advice for slowing down and enjoying this time of year. We also ask about the new gift book featuring her Christmas duties.


eFrog: Hello, Mrs. Saint Nick. I appreciate your taking time for our interview during this busy time of year.

Mrs. Saint Nick: It’s more my husband’s busy time, although the more frazzled he gets, the more frazzled I get.  Much as I love the season of giving, I can’t imagine giving to all the children in all the world.  But that’s my husband.  He’s always dreamed and acted large.  And I love him for it.


eFrog: Tell us about your role at Christmas.

Mrs. Saint Nick:  The elves do most of the work in the factory, but they often need a woman’s touch.  How many men, truly, know how to dress a doll?  And they would never think a girl wanted a baseball bat, unless I set them straight!


Sled300eFrog: Is it true that you have your own sleigh?

Mrs. Saint Nick:  Absolutely.  My husband’s sleigh is a mess when he returns Christmas morning.  The first thing he does is give it a good scrubbing.  The elves help.  And his poor deer.  I couldn’t ask them to travel one more time around the world.  That’s why I have my own team with Rudolph’s sister Ruby lighting the way.


eFrog: What is the most challenging part of your job?

Mrs. Saint Nick:  Often when I arrive at homes, the fathers and mothers are still wide awake, both overwhelmed by the task of cleaning up.  I find myself pausing to make them tea and chat a bit and sometimes the delay forces me to work all through the day after Christmas so I can reach everybody.
