He could be reading your book.
If you convert my manuscript file to an ebook, will my readers with Nooks, Kindles, and iPads all be able to read my book?
Yes! Some ereaders do require different formatting but we take care of that for you. For the same cost, your ebook will be readable on all the major ereaders including Nook, Kindle, Sony Reader, and iPad.
Why do you need the first 20 pages of my manuscript to give me a firm price for editing?
We charge from one to two cents per word for copy editing and prefer to give you a firm estimate for your manuscript before you commit. Once we read your writing sample, we can determine how much time it will take us to do a thorough job. Developmental editing—where you receive detailed feedback on organization, tone, development, characters, and more—averages five cents per word but may vary depending on the draft.
What is a book trailer?
A book trailer, like a movie trailer, is an online video that gives your audience a better idea of what your book is like. It is almost a mini-commercial that entices potential readers to want to know more about your story. Book trailers can be very simple projects with your cover, some quotes, your voice, and background music. They can also be elaborate productions with video, sound, special music, and dramatic images. Because ebooks are sold online, having an online book trailer is just another way of reaching your readers.

She could be reading your ebook.
What if I have lots of photographs?
Ereaders and tablets support images and we can format your ebook to display photographs. In a recent project, an author had over 100 color images (some by a National Geographic photographer) that were critical to his book. Although some ereaders can only display gray scale, many ereaders and all tablets support color (like the Nook Color, the Amazon Fire, and the iPad). We create a draft ebook for you to review before publication. For manuscripts with more than five images, we can give you a written estimate.
I always earned A’s in English. Why should I pay for editing?
One of the biggest differences between an amateur and a professional ebook is the editing, or lack of editing! No matter how good your grammar, it is almost impossible to serve as your own editor. You know what you meant when you wrote your opening paragraph, but a professional editor will base her comments and suggestions for revisions only on what is on the page—just like your future readers. Even best-selling authors’ manuscripts go through stages of editing and never skip the copy editing process. Our editors pride themselves on staying true to your voice and only suggesting changes that clarify your meaning or that correct usage and spelling errors. We use The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, which is widely accepted as the final word on grammar and usage for publishers.
How do readers find my ebook?
It is important to find your readers online. “Discoverability” is the key to online marketing for a new author. One of the exciting benefits of epublishing is that it is easier to find your niche audience on the Internet. While an agent or publishing house may be reluctant to publish a book with a very specific audience, you can now self-publish that same title and target your marketing to readers who will be thrilled to discover you. Indie authors use many forms of social media marketing to connect with their readers directly including Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, blogging, and more. Our social media marketing consultant has experience both in publishing and social media. Her introductory blog post covers the basics and future posts at Take the Leap (our blog for ebook authors) will provide specific strategies you can implement. We know you need to focus on your writing, so we offer consulting to help you select one social media platform that fits your style and also connects with your readers. Our consultant will help you develop a reasonable social media marketing plan you can implement and still have time to write!
Do you keep a percentage of my royalties and what are royalty rates for ebooks?
No! You keep ALL of your royalties. We offer a menu of services and you only pay for the services that you need. You do not owe us a lifetime of royalties for our professional services. Ebooks are forever so we would not feel right collecting a lifetime fee for specific services.
Royalties range depending on the bookseller. For example, Amazon currently pays from 30 to 70% based on the price of your book and the file size. Here are details of Amazon’s pricing structure. Ebooks are often priced lower than traditionally published books, but you receive a much higher percentage. Your profit per book may be much higher even at a much lower price resulting in a win for you as an author and a win for your readers too! You make more money and readers pay less per ebook title. Win, win!