The Top 10 Ways Authors Connect to Readers on Facebook

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

The Social Media Goddess unveils secrets and strategies to keep your social media presence  effervescent and effective.

You’ve got your page built up and — lo and behold! — you’ve even started accumulating fans. Now comes the hard part — get them to stick around and participate on your page.  You want to begin a lively conversation. People will “unlike” you if you’re boring or too quiet and they’ll “hide” or “unlike” you if you’re too noisy, so try to find a common ground. So what is an author to do?

Consider starting out with posts a couple of times a week and add more as you have time. Try not to post more than once a day, however. If you’re hearing crickets, consider cutting back a bit. Pay attention to the types of posts that get a good response and those that die on your Timeline.

Now, our top ten favorite ways to get your fans to interact with you:


Facebook 101: Create an Author Presence

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

The Social Media Goddess will unveil secrets and strategies to keep your social media presence  effervescent and effective.

Friends? Fans? Likes? Walls? Timelines? If you’ve even surfed a little bit on Facebook some of these terms may sound familiar. But do you know what they mean? Facebook is nothing if not constantly changing and, oftentimes, confusing.

We’re here to help shine some light on the most recent changes and help you decide if Facebook is the right corner of the Internet for you to camp out and promote your writing.

Facebook is a social networking website that launched in 2004 and currently has more than 900 million active users. That’s quite the audience! Users need to register before using the site and can create a personal profile, add other users as “friends,” and share messages, status updates, and photos. They can also “like” business pages of various companies, schools, restaurants, and even authors like you and receive updates about those businesses/brands (Facebook uses the term “business” very loosely).

The first thing to know is that there are two main types of pages on Facebook— personal profiles and business pages. How to know which is right for you? (more…)

Take the Leap Into Social Media

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Take the Leap Into Social Media!

While you may be aware of the recent onslaught of social media sites (such as Facebook and Twitter), you might not realize how beneficial these online communication and networking tools can be when promoting your books and your brand as an author.

The best part about social media? It’s free! These tools are fantastic free resources that enable you to connect with your readers and fans and spread the word about your writing. You can also connect with fellow authors and share about your books and your writing life. Most big house publishers expect their authors to have active social media accounts to interact with fans and readers. Millions of people are using social media networking sites every day — and you should be one of them.

In the coming months we will delve deeper into what these social media tools are and how you can best use them to your advantage. But first, let’s take a quick look at the most popular social media resources at your disposal. (more…)